Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Alternative Art

At the Red Dragonfly we're striving to build a niche as Port Townsend's premier "Alternative Art Space." We are an art gallery, but we are also much more than simply an art gallery.

But let's talk about art, for a moment.

What exactly is "alternative" art? What makes something "alternative?"

"A Flying Machine;" watercolour by Braden Duncan
Like most things artistic, the answer is pretty subjective. One good answer might be that it's art that "takes risks." At Red Dragonfly, you're not likely to find bucolic landscapes with grazing cows. Unless, of course, the cows are wearing unusual hats.

"Alternative" sometimes scares people because there's a suggestion that it by definition means weird... weird in the creepy sort of way that leaves you scratching your head when you see the art and you stand there considering what horrible nightmares and psychoses the artist might be wrestling with.

At Red Dragonfly, we don't believe that "alternative" necessarily means "sick and twisted." Take, for example, Braden Duncan's watercolour of her black kitten. Clearly, she knows and understands cats-- but instead of leaving it as "just a cat" or giving it more prosaic angel wings, she has added steampunk style wings.

That, to us, is one example of "alternative" art.

Alternative art can be many things. An unusual take on a popular subject (like kittens!); an unusual subject matter; any subject matter interpreted through an unusual lens of perception-- the possibilities are many and varied.

Of course, the best way to decide is to stop by Red Dragonfly yourself and make the determination-- we have plenty to look at!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

It's Official! Red Raven Gallery -> Red Dragonfly

It's Official!

As of this afternoon, June 15th, 2016, the Red Raven Gallery has become the Red Dragonfly!

We're very excited about the times and opportunities that lie ahead, as we continue to build the legacy we have assumed from Red Raven proprietor Laurie McClave. And we look forward to establishing the gallery as one of the premier alternative art spaces in the Puget Sound region.

The gallery's formal Grand (re)Opening will be for Port Townsend's monthly Art Walk, the next edition of which will take place on Saturday, July 2nd.

Our doors will be open while we reorganize and get things ready for the opening, so please do come by and visit us!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

What is the Red Dragonfly? Opening words...

It all began with a piece of art-- a Red Dragonfly, to be precise.

The original Red Dragonfly
We went to pick it up at Ruthy's candle shop for Sarah's birthday, and intended to visit the Red Raven Gallery next door while we were there. Alas, it was not to be... the gallery was closed and there was a "FOR LEASE" sign up in the window.

It made us rather sad, since the Red Raven was pretty much Port Townsend's only viable alternative art space. Not that we have anything against landscapes and studies of sailboats, mind you.

Sarah started talking about what she'd do with the space if it were her gallery... one thing led to another and a few minutes later we were heading back to the gallery for a second look and to get the phone number off the "FOR LEASE" sign.

A whirlwind of activity followed and-- in spite of having absolutely no prior plans to do so-- three days later we went to sign the lease for our new alternative art gallery. Named, of course, Red Dragonfly... for the piece of art that started it all.